Mousterpiece theatre podcast
Mousterpiece theatre podcast

Ħ:31 “Every time a channel would pick it back up, I would watch it.” WKRP has, of course, disappeared from standard classic syndication in the past decade or so, but it has had a very active afterlife on cable and now digital.

#Mousterpiece theatre podcast tv

ĥ:12 “Lucille, does your family watch a lot of television?” Speaking as a kid who, in 1980, probably watched way too much television, unsupervised, this sequence where the Real Families interviewers take Lucille to task for the kids watching too much TV is just brilliant. And of course we told the story of “Who Is Gordon Sims” getting held back to later in Season 1, after Hugh Wilson had built up some goodwill with the network.

mousterpiece theatre podcast

Ĥ:11 “Episode order is always intriguing…” It’s true! We talked about episode order way back in Season 1 with the release of “Preacher,” an episode that was recorded early in the season and which was aired at the very end of Season 1.

mousterpiece theatre podcast

2:40 “Welcome, Leah Biel!” Many thanks again right at the top to Leah, not only for joining us for this episode, but also for dropping so many bits of WKRP trivia and memorabilia in our Facebook this past year or so.

Mousterpiece theatre podcast