Are sweet potato fries healthier
Are sweet potato fries healthier

are sweet potato fries healthier

Just be careful not to overcook your sweet potato, since cooking it for too long can lead to a loss of nutrients, she says. Mashed sweet potatoes are even great as an antioxidant-rich dessert: add maple syrup or honey and a sprinkle of walnuts, Ansari suggests. You can also let them cool and whip them into smoothies with soymilk, protein powder and cinnamon blend them into a soup or bake them into chips and dip them in hummus. It’s also where a majority of the antioxidants are.Īs for the best way to cook them? Steaming, roasting, baking and boiling all preserve different nutrients in sweet potatoes, some research has found, so all kinds of preparations are nutritious.


“The healthiest way to eat all potatoes is with the skin on, because that is where a lot of the fiber is,” says Zeitlin. Some research finds that the deeper the coloring of a sweet potato (whether it’s orange, yellow or purple), the higher the nutritional content. When buying sweet potatoes, choose the ones with a vivid hue. 1 large sweet potato cut into 1/8 - 1/4 inch fries 1 tablespoon corn starch 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon ground pepper 1.5. What’s the healthiest way to eat sweet potatoes? The bottom line is that all vegetables, so long as they’re not fried, are healthy options to work into your diet and offer a range of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, Zeitlin says. “Sweet potatoes provide more energy than non-starchy veggie alternatives, making them an exceptional fuel source for daily activity and especially athletic performance,” says Ansari. (Half a cup of sweet potatoes contains about 13 grams of carbs, while the same amount of broccoli has about 3 grams.)īut that may be just another reason to embrace them-not to fear them. Are sweet potatoes high in carbohydrates?Īs starchy root vegetables, sweet potatoes do have more carbs than non-starchy vegetables like broccoli.

Are sweet potato fries healthier